Beth Caldarello | April 24, 2023
If you meet one, as much as you may want to snuggle it, the NM Dept. of Game & Fish would much prefer that you:
• Do NOT feed it
• Move slowly away in the opposite direction
• Keep your pets leashed, if you have them
• Make sure the javelina has an escape route
• Make loud noises, clap your hands and stomp your feet to alert the javelina of your presence
• Sing it a song to let it know you're friendly
That last one is unofficial advice, but who doesn't enjoy a song?
• The name 'javelina' is derived from 'jabalina' which in Spanish means “wild sow"
• They can identify each other by their strong odors, coming from a musky-smelling scent gland on their back
• A group of peccaries that travel and live together is called a squadron, which averages between 6 and 9 members, but can go up to 50
• Mayans kept herds of peccaries, using them in rituals and for food
• They are kept as pets in many countries in addition to being raised on farms as a source of food
• Although they usually ignore humans, they will react if they feel threatened. They defend themselves with their tusks and can release a strong musk or give a sharp bark if alarmed
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